
Olive oil is a typical Mediterranean food and a quality product. The olive tree - from the Mountains of Daunia to Gargano, from the land of Bari to Salento - is the symbol which best represents the image of agricultural production in Puglia.

Most of the Italian olive oil is a product of our wonderful South: in fact around 85% of the olive oil produced comes from the southern regions and islands. The olive oil produced in Puglia accounts for approximately a third of the Italian production, benefitting from the territory's morphology and its climate.

The oil yield plays an important role in the economy of southern Italy and especially Puglia. This is why it is right to consider the oil as the real gold of Puglia.

Olive trees, cultivated on steep terrain, make an important contribution to protecting the soil of the vast hilly areas.

Each area of our country is characterised by indigenous and traditional varieties that provide different types of oil. Among the main varieties of olive oil, technically called "cultivars", "Coratina" and "Leccina" attract the most attention.

"Il Tavoliere delle Puglie" (The Tavoliere of Puglia)

Its name stems from the ancient Tabulae censuales - contracts which the Romans concluded with shepherds for renting grazing land.

The immense, flat plains of the Tavoliere delle Puglie, covered with wheat and other local crops, make up the second-largest territory, after the Po Valley.

Its panorama also captures some evidence of ancient civilizations that inhabited the territory over the centuries, including: pre-Romanesque ruins of Herdonia near Ordona; the archaeological site of San Giusto from Roman times; Castel Fiorentino, where Frederick II died; and the Cathedral of Cerignola.

The presence of nature reserves such as "ex Daunia Risi" and Margherita di Savoia's salt mountains - the largest salt mines in Europe - contributes to making the landscape the only one of its kind in the world.

The Gargano

Unique environmental diversity and unparalleled cultural and historical heritage!

This is Gargano; the "Sun Mountain". Kilometres of sandy beaches, many pine trees and olive trees, cliffs of white rock and mysterious coves. Complex hydro-karst caves open along the coast creating spectacular shapes moulded by the sea over the centuries.

The green heart of the "Foresta Umbra" - the kingdom of untouched nature and lakes - complete the charm of the landscape.

The villages with their traditional appearance and flavours are imbued with religious customs and historical culture that make them so unique and charming, and folkloristic parties and festivals express the quality of the hospitality which is characteristic of the people of Gargano.

The Dauni Mountains

The Apennines of Daunia, often referred to as Dauni Mountains or Monti della Daunia, is a mountain range that forms the eastern extension of the Apennines and occupies the western part of the province of Foggia, running along the border of Puglia with Molise and Campania.

The Apennines of Daunia are hilly landscapes alternating with lush oak and beech forests. The romantic villages with stone houses, where the beauty of nature is combined with the presence of historical buildings and the quietness of the country atmosphere, are indefinable and unique.

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