The production

Our commitment begins with the choice of qualified and trusted producers and continues through to the finished product – high-quality oil obtained direct from olives and produced solely by mechanical means.
L'olio Caronte is a company engaged in the production of a particular oil derived by blending two basic varieties: "Coratina" and "Leccina".
Mixing these two varieties creates a well-balanced oil with distinct scent- and taste characteristics: an intense aroma and an equally intense, full-bodied, palatable taste with a correspondingly spicy aftertaste.
There is an essential difference that distinguishes one manufacturer from another: the choice of method for the production of high-quality oil. In fact, harvesting and processing must be precisely timed. In our case, the first step is in November and December (when the olive has ripened to perfection); the second step is processing, which must be carried out within two days of harvesting, to refining in the mill.
The end product - in a medium-high market value - may not provide industrial quantities, but it is a superior-quality extra virgin olive oil, the result of a sacrifice but at the same time able to guarantee consumers and gastronomy businesses an oil of undoubtedly better quality.
Caronte puts great effort into maintaining good quality at prices affordable for consumers, demonstrating that you can tackle the market at no disadvantage to clients.


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