The Oil

Olive oil is made up of many different, typical flavours and aromas, so in order to appreciate good-quality oil, it is important to be able to distinguish this good quality from the poor quality often discussed in news reports, with the press denouncing the counterfeit system of quality olive oils.

This counterfeit system not only means a loss of honest business and scams the treasure; more than anything else, it affects people's health.

The olive oil is classified by law in various types, in compliance with different quality- and commercial standards.


Based on analytical parameters, beginning with acidity, oils are divided into various types. The main ones are:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil is the best oil because the olives are harvested from the tree and immediately pressed mechanically, without the use of solvents, and with an oleic acid content of not more than 0.8% per 100 grams. In order to be considered extra virgin, the product must pass organoleptic tests. The most important features are a fruity aroma and a slightly bitter-spicy taste, the latter being conferred by polyphenols.

Virgin Olive Oil
Virgin Olive Oil is obtained direct from olives and produced only by mechanical means. Virgin olive oil has a free acidity, expressed as oleic acid, at a maximum of 2g per 100g.

Olive Oil
Olive oil is obtained from refined olive oil blended with virgin olive oil, differing from lampante oil and - in terms of oleic acid - with a free acidity content of not more than 1g per 100g.

The qualities

The presence of this ancient quality is demonstrated by the secular olive trees that characterise all of Puglia.

Having all the features required of a high-standard extra virgin olive oil, the cultivar "Coratina" provides excellent quality.

The colour of the ripe fruit ranges from shades of greenish-brown, dotted with spots, to blackish-purple when the fruit is at its ripest. The olives are harvested in October. 

"Leccina" is one of the most widely spread cultivars in Italy.

Its popularity is due to its high immunity to major pests and its great ability to adapt to most soil types.This cultivar produces high-quality oil, golden yellow in colour, highlighted with green.

The plant blooms in late May / early June. The "Leccina" not only provides a good yield of oil; its olives are also good for canteens.

The numerous benefits of extra virgin olive oil

Everybody knows that we should live a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy diet but how much do we really know about the benefits of olive oil?
To begin with - 100grams of extra virgin olive oil have 884 calories, so it is a good idea not to exaggerate too much on consumption. Extra virgin oil is very healthy, genuine oil which, because it is easily digestible, helps the liver, regulates the gastric function and decreases the risk of developing a duodenal ulcer.
Olive oil also contains phytosterols, which reduce high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Monounsaturated fatty acids - such as oleic acid - decrease levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and also increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL). These substances help to prevent heart diseases and strokes. Polyphenols and vitamin E contain antioxidants which fight the body's "free radicals", those that can trigger cancers and other diseases. Polyphenols and vitamin E also help to prevent arteriosclerosis and slow down the aging of cells. Finally they reduce the bad cholesterol circulating in the blood, making it smoother and reducing the risk of a heart attack.
Among the main varieties of olive oil, "Coratina" in particular has a high content of polyphenols. This is why, of all the oils from southern Italy, the oil from Puglia is recognisable by its spicy, fruity taste. This oil distinguishes itself from other oils since it tolerates high temperatures better than other oils (it is resistant up to 180 degrees centigrade), making it best for frying, retaining its nutrients intact, without deterioration. For all these reasons, and many others shown in new studies and surveys, it is important to be aware of the infinitely beneficial features of olive oil and to promote its integration into our daily diet.


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