Company profile

One of the newest companies in the sector, l'Olio Caronte, chose outstanding quality as its distinguishing corporate feature. It's strategies include:

  • a mindful choice of territory for cultivation;
  • selecting local producers and millers who speak the same native language as the Caronte company;
  • choice of a high-quality product.

We love our territory with all our heart and strive to enhance the oil produced by our company with ancient agricultural traditions and the authentic quality of our local products.

This philosophy is not intended to remain isolated in a simple, yet innovative business approach; instead it stems from a broader context.

In our attempt to address the market we want to add a new element, linked to the glorious past of our territory.

Our aim is to launch smart territorial marketing operations, giving some glory to the beauties and riches of our territory, often ignored by the big media and gastronomy tourism.

A territory grows and stands for more than the quality of its excellences – such as our oil, in this specific case – it also has the ability to create a system of hospitality marketing.


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